Human Nature

Human Nature

Human NatureOur ancestors searched for the meaning of life. They found it in nature, in community, through ritual, and in silence. The answer did come. My guess is it came through direct experience ~ not books or lectures, but through the knowledge of the body. I believe it was the question itself that led to this insight of humanity. So let’s ask again – is there a meaning to this life? If there were a single point, what would it be?

Could it be the purpose of human existence is quite ordinary? Could it be as simple as decency? What is it to be a decent human being? It means we take responsibility for our own life. We see that the journey we are making is our own creation. Initially, we may have lived a life assigned. Mom dressed you in clothes that itched. Dad combed your hair all wrong. You majored in a subject you didn’t care about. But at a certain point, you are all grown up. You have opinions. You have aspirations. The life you’re living right now may not be the life you want. Welcome to the turning moment.

This is the challenge. You turn back, look, and really ask — am I living my life or is life living me? You have a choice. You can continue as you’ve done for years, comforted by the familiar. Or you can change.

This isn’t about your ideas for the future like where do I want to be, what kind of business do I engage in, do I want children. This is about looking at the situation you’re in right now and discovering your truth. When you ask, you tap into your authenticity and your life unfolds as the answer.

Look. Ask. Why don’t I do the dishes? Why do I forget to water the plants? Why am I late to work? Why did I just check out?

Being decent is about responding with integrity. We don’t leave a mess for someone else to clean up. You see the clutter. Instead of turning the other cheek, you roll up your sleeves and take out the garbage. You create space. And out of this space anything and everything arises. You are the one you’ve been waiting for.

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