The Confidence of Confusion

The Confidence of Confusion

When we open our mind, we can gain a new perspective. Change becomes possible yet choice can still be confusing. Letting go of old habits, habits that keep us small, can leave us wanting to fill that void immediately with something (or someone) else.

How do we navigate the questions that inevitably arise? What should I do about my work? Is this relationship really serving me? Maybe it’s time to move. Whatever confusion surrounds you, there are ways to cut through the fog. Here are a few simple reminders to gaining clarity and confidence in the midst of confusion.

Get quiet.
In order to know how to proceed, we need to tap into our intuition. But intuition can often be subtle energy. In order to really hear it we need to get quiet. This means clearing out the clutter of our minds. Clutter can be: worries, doubts, “shoulds,” other people’s voices or opinions, fears and even hand-me-down beliefs. One of the best way to move through this gunk is by writing it out. Write three pages in a stream of conscious style (i.e. without stopping or editing) to clear your mind. Then sit and see what comes from a more quiet space.

Move your body.
Whether you practice yoga, weight train, run, or engage in another kind of physical activity, tuning into your body will help connect you tosoething beyond your mind, some may say your higher self. Make sure to take time to drop in to what your body needs. Create routine to experience the results of massage therapy, art therapy, aimless wandering in nature, a dance class, or karoke. These all can help support you in going wiith the flow.

This is probably the hardest practice to apply. If you get quiet and move your body and insight does arise, will you listen? If all signs point to saying yes or saying no, will you honor that wisdom? Attuning to the voice within is a practice of awakening the humble warrior, our inner compass, our true guide on the path. When we connect with this inner knowing, then bravery is no longer a choice but a way of life.

Denmo is the founder and CEO of Earthbody. She is a writer, artist, therapist, and coach.

Earthbody is San Francisco’s most popular sanctuary famous for their integrative massage and bodywork sessions, facials, spa rituals, private consultations, and handcrafted line of holistic skincare made fresh each week in small batches with love.

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